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26 Years of God’s Greatness and Faithfulness: A Week of Festive Celebration!

The week, of February 27-28, and March 1-3, marked the 26th Founding Anniversary of Great Christian Academy with the theme: “Remembering His Enduring Faithfulness” (Psalm 117:2). This is the time when we trace back to the humble beginning of the school through the instrumentality of its founder, the late Rev. Joselito Z. Rodriguez.

From a few students and three teachers in a two-room house, GCA has gone far with its mission and vision to provide quality education grounded in the word of God in a Christian environment. We thank God for a three-storey building that is housing GCA with the Administration Offices, Support Services, and the Canteen Area on the first floor, classrooms on the second floor, and a spacious sanctuary and play area on the third floor with some additional classrooms.

Despite the adverse effects of the pandemic that forced educational institutions to adopt the new normal, GCA continues to thrive, by the grace of God with a total of 255 students for SY 2022-2023. With God on our side, we are looking forward to having more precious souls to be brought in for us to bring them closer to God.

FIRST DAY – February 27 (Monday)

Thanking and Honoring God for His Faithfulness

God’s children will never run out of things to thank God for, more so with GCA Family who have tasted His goodness and steadfast love to the school for the past twenty-six years of existence?

The entire week program commenced with a Thanksgiving Fellowship. It was a delight how students were used by God to lead the praise and worship, and the school is thankful to witness such giftedness in music. The spirit of gratitude and worship intensified as the School Chaplain and JTFC Head Pastor, Rev. Darwn A. Reyes, delivered his inspiring message anchored on Psalm 117:2 with the theme: “Remembering His Enduring Faithfulness.”

Surely, the Lord deserves all the honor and glory for His grace and mercy that endures forever. He continuously blesses the school with His peace, provision, and presence. Together we say: “For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. ... Praise the Lord!” (Psalm 117:2 ESV).

Showcasing the Dancing Prowess of the GCAeans

Believing that intelligence is not confined to the IQ of the students, and that paper and pencil tests results are not only the factors in determining academic achievements, GCA looks for multiple intelligences among the students in the areas of music, arts, and bodily-kinesthetic (dancing) and the rest of the talents every major event like founding anniversaries.

When learners are usually gauged by their cognitive, verbal, and mathematical skills in the four corners of the classroom, it is relieving to see more different areas of talent. More importantly, it is worth remembering that none of these talents and intelligence is inferior or superior to any other. A student who is having a hard time coping with algebraic expressions, yet is excellent in sports is worth commending.

Since the school exists to discover different giftedness among the students to be honed, GCA is delighted to see its students in music and dances from these different groups: selected dancers from Grades 1-3, selected dancers from Grades 4-6, and selected dancers from Grades 7-10. How entertaining are their numbers with their colorful costumes!

To officially open the Intramurals, the torch was lit, and was followed with an oath of sportsmanship.

SECOND TO FOURTH DAY – Tuesday to Thursday (February 28- March 2)

Spurring the Spirit of Oneness and Harmony through Family Day

Family is and will always be the basic unit of any society, and here at GCA, family involvement in major activities is highly valued. The festive mood starting on the second day started with a Zumba at 9:00 AM. It was such a delight to see the participants having fun dancing and getting less mindful that they were exercising.

In paving the way for those who are inclined toward arts, Art Workshops were also conducted for three days. While the love of sports and other physical activities is extremely interesting for growing children, the school recognizes those that are highly imaginative, intuitive, and creative. As Roger W. Perry put it, they are the right-brained people and they are the potential to be the next Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, etc of GCA!

Still, other exciting activities were the board games and singing with the karaoke. What a joy to see the adults break their working time and the students studying time unwinding! This was their way to recharge more energy in going back to the real world after the week of celebration.

Fundraising for a Cause: the GCA Way

Simultaneous with the rest of the activities, the Bazaar also commenced on the second day from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Beforehand, a letter of invitation was sent to the parents and other business owners to participate by putting up their stalls for them to sell their items. It was exciting to see the school campus turned into a marketplace for a three-day bazaar. The participants were having a good time shopping just within the area. Of all the products, food items were the most patronized by the hungry participants – students, teachers, and parents alike.

It was the school’s way of raising funds for the benefit of SSG projects and programs. It is, indeed, in times of need that ingenuity would surface.

Perpetuating Unity in the Bond of Peace through Sports

Of the most-awaited activities, sports would always be at the top of the list especially when it is done by the competition. There was so much energy in the air from the moment the torch was lit.

To make the intramural more exciting, the students were divided into teams: Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green. Each team was driving for a win either by cheering for their players or by doing their best to win in each game that they are joining: basketball for the boys, volleyball for the girls, badminton for both boys and girls, etc. in both Junior and Senior Divisions.

GCA recognizes the value of teaching students to compete in a fair way with the correct attitude in attaining victory and accepting defeat. Life is full of competition, and the best way to fight and win is to be the best version of ourselves

FIFTH DAY – Friday (March 2, 2023)

Wrapping Up the Celebration with a Blast

In keeping the spirit high, final exciting activities were done to culminate the week's celebration of the 26th Founding Anniversary. While the Bazaar for a Cause lasted midday, the Preschool students had their “Dress Your Dream Job Cosplay.” How adorable were the cute ones in their costumes!

Following that meaningful activity was the “GCA Got Talent” competition by the Elementary students. We praise God for bestowing the GCA students with diverse gifts and talents in the areas of singing, dancing, acting, and many more. Faithfully adhering to the vision and mission of the school, it is the utmost desire of GCA to see each student develop to their full potential in each area of giftedness.

The week-long celebration was concluded with an awarding ceremony. It was such a great joy seeing students receive their medals for winning in different categories

Truly, great is His faithfulness in giving GCA its 26th Founding Anniversary. Cheers to more years of providing academic excellence and spiritual growth!

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